What is Cheek Aesthetics (Bichectomy)?
Bichectomy is an operation to remove excess fat tissue from the cheeks, making the cheekbones more prominent and making the facial features look more balanced and in golden proportion. The appearance obtained as a result of the bichectomy operation is also called the Hollywood cheek.

You have reached your ideal weight, but your face makes you look fatter than you are! Our cheeks are mostly responsible for this appearance. Neither too thin nor too fleshy... the cheek shape that should be there should have a delicate balance that makes the cheekbones prominent and the face look thin and healthy in a triangular shape.
It is a simple operation that can be performed with local anesthesia or sedation. An incision is made on the inside of the mouth, excess fat tissues on the cheek are removed, and the cheek is given a new form according to the desired result. Since the operation is performed by making an incision on the inner cheek, no scars are visible from the outside.
After bichectomy, one day of rest is sufficient. The person can continue their daily life the day after the procedure.
Before bichectomy:
- Blood thinners such as aspirin should be stopped a few days before the operation
- Alcohol and cigarette consumption are not recommended both before and after bichectomy
After bichectomy:
- First day: Only consume liquid foods and gargle regularly
- Second day: Start eating soft solid foods and continue gargling
- Third day: Can usually return to solid foods. Continue gargling for sterilization
People who are dissatisfied with their cheeks due to excess fat tissue are suitable candidates for this operation. It can provide a triangular, thin and youthful face form to people who are uncomfortable with their square or round face appearance. Although the majority are women, men can also achieve a more youthful and triangular shape to their faces with the bichectomy method.
It is important for the person's development process to be complete and for the facial features to take their final form, for the puberty period to be over. Considering the development process and the potential for change in the body, real permanent results can be achieved in bichectomy procedures performed after the age of 25.