What is Eyelid Surgery (Blepharoplasty)?
Eyelid surgery is one of the most frequently performed operations in oculoplastic surgery, which aims to improve aesthetic problems in the eyelids. Eyelid aesthetics is also known by its medical name as blepharoplasty.
Common causes of drooping eyelids include:
- Genetic factors
- Insomnia or excessive sleeping
- A stressful life
- Irregular, unhealthy diet
- Use of alcohol and tobacco products

To learn the price of eyelid surgery in Ankara in 2025, to get information about eyelid surgery, to ask any questions you may have, or to consult whether the procedure is suitable for you, you can contact us at 0312 2354434 and 0545 4112141 or write to us via WhatsApp.
Like a chatterbox who starts talking right at the door, our eyelids start telling us about our lives before we even have a chance to look into our eyes! "He is very busy at work, he is bored these days, he can't sleep well at night, he is already 40, he also drinks alcohol and smokes..." and so on, all of that comes out of our eyelids. Eyelid aesthetics is used to hide these secrets!
As you get older, the movement of the muscles around your eyes decreases and the fatty tissues here come to the fore. With the effect of gravity, these fatty tissues begin to bag and pile up on our eyes. Similarly, our lower eyelids droop downwards, creating an old and tired appearance. Drooping eyelids are not only an aesthetic problem, but also cause vision loss when they reach advanced levels.
An incision is made on the upper eyelid, where the eyelid folds. Excess skin and fat tissue are removed. An incision is made on the lower eyelid, this time under the eyelash line, so that the incision scar is not visible. Excess skin and fat tissue are removed.
This surgery evaluates the upper and lower eyelid problems separately. Sometimes only the upper part of the eye, sometimes only the lower part, and sometimes both are corrected with surgery.
Suitable candidates include people with:
- Upper eyelid sagging
- Upper eyelid swollen
- Visual field restricted due to sagging
- Permanent bags and swelling under the eyes
- People who need to lift their eyebrows to eliminate sagging
If you have a genetic eyelid problem, it is difficult for you to understand the vision loss because you are used to seeing the world this way. If the line where your eyelid folds is not clear, if you have difficulty applying eye makeup, if your eyelid gathers over your eye, you are probably a suitable candidate for eyelid aesthetics.
Since the operation is performed with the thinnest stitches and the stitches are removed afterwards, the scars of the operation are minimized. However, it cannot be said that there will be no scars. Since the areas where stitches are applied are the least visible and felt areas on the upper and lower parts, these scars can find a hidden area.
If the operation is to be performed only on the upper eyelid, general anesthesia is not required, the operation can be completed with only local anesthesia. If there is a problem on both eyelids, general anesthesia is applied. A total operation lasting 45 minutes or an hour is possible.
If general anesthesia is used, you will need to stay in the hospital overnight on the day of the surgery. Swelling, bruising and edema around the eyes are normal. It is recommended to sleep on a high pillow and not go out without sunglasses for the first few days. The stitches are removed approximately one week after the surgery, and you can then return to social life. You will have the final result within a day or two after the stitches are removed.